This little chick is 5 months old!
I can't even try to explain how much love I have for this girl. She is amazing. She is my everyday. She is one gorgeous girl. She is sassy and will always let you know what she doesn't want.
- very much into her toes now. loves to hold them and talk to them. when I hold her, she will constantly watch them to make sure they don't go anywhere
- weighs 15 lbs {30th percentile}, most of which is in her cheeks
- she can roll to her right side, from back to stomach. then she's stuck there. and she hates it. a lot. the second we put her down on her back anywhere she instantly rolls over {not as cute during diaper changes}
- still not a sleeper. her naps are a max of 20 minutes. we're working on that
- she is a champion at eating her rice cereal! loves it. she opens her mouth for more before I even have it on the spoon, then leans into it so the spoon will get to her faster {darling} after every bite, she gently pats the tray in front of her as if she's focused on swallowing, cheering herself on.
- bath time is show time. she yells and splashes, nobody gets out of the bathroom dry.
- favorite toys are her cell phone and a singing dog that lights up. anything she can get to her mouth. she has an eye for anything shiny.
- has a tooth coming in on the top! teething is a joy. she is a drool face.
- loves to read books. they settle her down every time. she likes 'brown bear, brown bear what do you see?', 'who is hiding on the farm', and 'peek-a-boo animals'. she's a little afraid of the sound a cow makes, shocks her every time I do it.
- blows raspberries all day. she blows harder with the more spit that gets involved
- loves to grab your lip and pull as hard as she can. funny girl
- ticklish like crazy on the back of her neck
- Big fan of her doorway bouncer. she watches cali walk back and forth with the ball.
have a happy monday!