
Thursday, November 10, 2011

I know, I know... I'm the worst at updating my blog. My usual excuse was that I never had much to post about. Now I have a baby who changes every day and I still can't post!! I just read my last post and had to laugh. I can't believe that almost everything I wrote has changed. I have so many pictures, unorganized as usual but cute to say the least.
Some updates:
  • Loves bath time
  • Eats every two hours, even through the night.
  • Sleeps in and loves her crib. She has a bath at 8 and we get her to sleep around 9-9:30. She has a long stretch of sleep for about 4 hours, then she gets up every two hours to eat. We're working on eliminating one of the feedings. About every other night, she will wake up every 45 mins, meaning I get up, rock her back to sleep, get up rock her back to sleep, get up feed her then rock her back to sleep. Repeat till 7am
  • Weighs 12 lbs  90 percentile
  • Height 23.5 inches  75 percentile
  • SO happy in the morning! She has the biggest smiles and such cute sounds and squils
  • Talks to herself and thinks she's pretty funny
  • FINALLY started taking a binky at exactly 2 months old. She sucks on it long enough to take the edge off, then spits it out when she's calm.
  • Still doesn't take a bottle
  • Still prefers to be held, but she can sit on her own for a while at a time throughout the day. I still rock and sing her to sleep for naps, though. She will have none of the 'cry it out' sheesh. She stands her ground and never budges
  • She is a champ at holding that head up. such strong neck muscles
  • Being naked is top notch in this gals life. loves it

 Sadly, one of the only pictures from Halloween. She liked the pumpkins once we got candles in them
 Happy girl in the morning
 What? Nothing..what do you mean?

 Oh yeah, Cali had a puppy :)

A week after she turned one month, I noticed that her right eye wasn't aligned with the left. I'm lucky enough to have a mom who listens to every concern and can talk to the right doctor for me, so after she talked to an ophthalmologist I quickly made an appt with a pediatric ophthalmologist at children's hospital in knoxville. Sometimes a child as young as Malan may need surgery before two months in order to fix the problem. Malan has Transiet Exotropia... her right eye deviates outward. Luckily she won't need surgery but if the muscle doesn't get stronger by december, she will start glasses and a patch. I feel like her eye is stronger and I can see that it's correcting itself.  We will know for sure at the beginning of the month.

I love having this little girl. I'm lucky she is all mine. I struggle sometimes with how high maintenance she can be, but I feel like I was hand picked to handle it. I want to do these hard things for her. I do it for her.


  1. i still can't believe you guys have a baby!!! she is too cute. my nephew, ashton, had an eye thing too. they gave him glasses but evidently he had to get surgery. but he was diagnosed with this eye thing much later. malan is too tiny to have surgery. we will pray that she will be able to correct it herself. so scary to have a baby go under for a surgery. but for now you should just snuggle that cute baby. they grow up way too fast. i can't believe my luke is going to be 3 next month!!! miss you guys.

  2. so cute! it's so much fun to watch them learn and grow and change! And it's crazy how you don't think they are changing at all until you look back at old pictures and posts. I can't wait to see her and Easton together at Christmas time!

  3. Yah!!! I love new posts- keep them coming! I need more pictures of my sweet little niece, can't get enough! Such a sweet heart! And I'm so SO sorry on the bow front- I promised you bows before she was even born and I still haven't gotten them to you! But I'm working on them... hard with these two little ones but I WILL get you them! ha

  4. oh and you need to post the whole puppy story- that is to crazy!
